Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Clip of the Week

Due to the fact that I am an extremely busy and important person- also the fact that it was Eric's birthday on Saturday and I spent all night Thursday making burger cupcakes and maybe half the night Friday putting together a Bug-Out bag (the end is coming, people)- this next clip of the week will cover for last week and this week. And it can do so because it is just. that. AWESOME. You'll see; trust me. 

I've chosen a clip from the movie Hot Rod starring Andy Samberg. He once came to the paintball field we worked at, and of course, that was the day we weren't there. Yeah, life can be lame sometimes. 

Anyway, I think that this clip is hilarious and awkward and awesome all at the same time! 

In other news: You know that terrible B-book I wrote? Totally reached 130 downloads. I don't know whether or not I should be proud, or start to lose faith in humanity for its absurdly low literary standards. 

That's all for now! 

~Cheers :)

Friday, August 2, 2013

The Worst Book Ever :)

Guess who just published the worst book ever?! 
That's right, me! 
I know, I know, I'm 2 days ahead of my countdown, but hey, I didn't want to over-edit, you know? And a good thing, too, 'cause last night I totally forgot I still had to make a presentable cover for the damn thing and all that jazz, and I've also got a VERY busy weekend ahead of me! 
I will say, though, that I am very pleased with how this project turned out. I had a lot of fun with it and I think it'd be a great exercise in the future whenever writer's block strikes; just take 2 weeks off and write a B-book! 
Here's the link if anyone wants to check it out. It runs 12,000 words (more of a short story, really, but with chapters! How cool is that?) and is FREE on Smashwords! 


P.S. you might notice a different name on the cover... I've decided to create a second writing persona, one for my more intimate projects with serious work put into 'em and one for the B-books.