Sunday, July 21, 2013

My 14-Day Challenge

This past Thursday, I watched Sharknado on SyFy. For those of you who are unfamiliar, here's the trailer:

Egadz, just watching that minute of sheer awesomeness makes me want to relive the thrill all over again! 

Anyway, while watching Sharknado, I had a moment of catharsis during which I realized these two things: 
1) I love B-movies (though I've known that since my Hercules the Legendary Journeys days, this just reaffirmed it)
2) I want to star in a B-movie wherein I will do the Baywatch run in every scene whether or not it is deemed necessary or even appropriate 

But, after browsing through casting calls, I discovered that you kinda need an agent--even if you want to do only bad movies :( I was only heartbroken for half a day, though, because I then realized my newest dream: I am going to write a B-book. 

Think about it. There are tons of bad books out there. But I bet they were all written with the most noble of intentions. And I bet that whoever wrote them actually thought they were good. But I'm not going to do that. Though I plan to use proper grammar and punctuation, I also plan to concoct the perfect storm of outlandish plot, cliche and over-the-top characters, and of course, lots of violence. It will be a most despicable conglomeration of dim-witted puns and cheesy plot devices...

...and I'm going to write it all in two weeks. 

TWO WEEKS, people, and this gem will be published in ebook format on Smashwords for anyone's enjoyment. 

I'll keep you updated. The clock starts now. 

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